Author: rengoku11

Colour Depth

Bit depth or better known as colour depth is referring to the number of bits presented in one pixel of colour. Bits represent all the 0’s and 1’s that specify a certain colour. Different shades of colours can be displayed with higher bit rates. You can calculate how many colours there is in a bit…

Colour Harmonies

There are six basic types of harmonious colour schemes   Complementary colour schemes: These are the colours opposite to each other in a colour wheel. They complement each other with their vast difference in contrast. Complementary colours shouldn’t be used in large amounts as they might not be as valued. This colour scheme should be…


    Colours can be split into two other categories; Warm and Cool colours. Colours can be described in such way because warm colours like red, yellow, orange, etc, are very vibrant and lively where as cool colours like blue, purple, green, etc, seem more relaxing and calm. Certain emotions can be shown through colours.  …

Contextual Studies

What is Graphic Design? The word Graphic design can be related to many arts dated back many centuries ago. Graphic design is a method of communication through visual arts. Typography (practices of visual texts), Illustrations, printing, photography and other types of art can all be considered as forms of Graphic Design. There are ephemeral and…