Art Nouveau

The key aspect discussed is Art Nouveau, an innovative and new form of art became fashionable from the late 19th century (1890) to the 20th century.  Art Nouveau spread the perception that design and art were a part of the everyday normal life. This style was thought-out to be quite avant-garde and consequently was called New Art or Art- nouveau. This was also to the fact that it was manifested in various types of art, such as architecture, interior art decorative designs. Art Nouveau was first introduced and given a big boost in Paris in the early 1900.   After which, this style, thanks to photo-illustrated art magazines and exhibitions spread worldwide and became quite popular. It was called various names according to each European country. ‘Modernisme’ in Catalonia,’ Liberty’ in Italy ‘Jundstil in Germany ‘Secession’ in Vienna and Prague.Théophile-Alexandre_Steinlen_-_Tournée_du_Chat_Noir_de_Rodolphe_Salis_(Tour_of_Rodolphe_Salis'_Chat_Noir)_-_Google_Art_Project

Definition of Art Nouveau

However, there is no particular definition of Art Nouveau. In other words, art nouveau is put under the umbrella term which holds a variation of artistic versions.  Artists used cheap every day materials, whilst others used more expensive textures to express their arts. Nevertheless all artists based their drawings, often in flowery organic designs with lots of curvaceous brush strokes.

Art Nouveau –  Art work

Art Nouveau artists shared their beliefs that all arts and designs should work in harmony to create a set of one conformed principle of art. Art Nouveau became very popular and was exhibited in decorative objects such as glassware, ceramics, jewellery and other different textiles such as cigarette cases, furniture, household silver and even book illustrations.  Japanese themes are part and parcel of Art Nouveau.

Characteristics of Art Nouveaumucha-whitestar

This style is characterised by the use of long flowing organic lines, and dark colours.  These specific ornamental characteristics is asymmetrical and undulating lines taking the forms of natural objects such as flower stalks and flower buds, sunflowers,  vine tendrils combined with limes  and other  precious  natural objects. The buildings in the Art Nouveau style have many particular characteristics such as curved glass, arches and curved forms, mosaics sand stained glass.  However the evidence shows that today thanks to collectible items, Art Nouveau posters has survived and the technological advancement of lithographic printing permitted Art Nouveau to be  widely accessible.

Influences in Art Nouveau

Two of the greatest Art Nouveau artists were the French lithographer Jules Charet (1836-1932) and the Chez lithographer Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939. Probably the greatest advocates of this art were the German Nauhaus design school and the Dutch movement De Still.  Nowadays Art Nouveau is regarded as a significant connection between Neoclassissicism and modernism.  Complementary to this, several of the Art Nouveau monuments are on the UNESCO heritage.

It has been shown that although Art Nouveau had a rapid decline after the First World War, its significance in architecture and arts remains overwhelming and one must admit that it had a great influence on artists and the history of art.