Art Deco

b649affde47af022cd957ee9cdf163c2Art deco originated after the First World War, around the 1920’s and its style influenced all aspects of arts from visual arts to architecture and interior arts. It was totally different from the previous design, that of Art Nouveau. Unlike Art Nouveau there were superfluous curves, but these were replaced by geometrical shapes, strong curves, bold vertical lines, sunburst colours and metal trimmings.  On the other hand one can say that it was influenced by several other art styles. Art deco included design features from other prominent art such as cubism, constructivism, neo classical, modernism and futurism.  Other influences included ideologies from Egyptian art and Aztec forms.



The structure of art deco is mostly based on geometrical shapes which as explained previously were influenced by Cubism and Modernism. Materials such as stainless steel, aluminium are the main characteristics in Art Deco. A clear example of this style is Chrysler Building which is constructed of steel frame, masonry and metal with majestic sunburst design featuring many triangular windows.




The most art deco poster of all time is the poster for the Great Gatsby (2012) and the cover of Vogue magazine (1926) which was designed by Guilermo Bolui.  Today Art deco is also demonstrated and lives on in Logo design by the constant use of sunburst colours, airbrushes and vertical lines.


A clear example is the French designer A.M Cassandre ‘s work  who exhibited  a technique of his own,  where he designed a cover for  Harper’s Bazaar magazine, a face coloured in white on a black textured background. Last but not least Art deco influenced typology where Art Deco is displayed in thick base forms and filler lines typeface.




Art deco. 2016. Art deco. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 January 2016].