Sneak peek of the first weapon card prototype

The first weapon card! What do you think? What would you change? Leave a comment below!

So finally I got something to show you. May I present the Devil’s Arm, the first iteration of the weapon cards!

The idea for this weapon is that the character could summon a powerful demonic arm as its own and would be able to fling their opponents around them! This weapon fits in with the board game mechanics as it requires movement, quite a bit of strategy and could be easily combined with traps or other weapons.

Somehow I managed to fit the title, image, attack power, range, direction, special ability and its requirements. Honestly, I had a bit of a hard time, couldn’t find a lot of hexagonal playing cards for reference and it took me quite a while to figure out where and how to place all the information in that space but I think it worked out.

Mod symbols

One thing I would like to mention are the mod symbols. At first I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to represent these. I was just going to place three different coloured stripes and call it a day but not everyone perceives colour the same! Therefore the best alternative I could think of, is to not rely on colours but shapes!

So while I’m badgering on about accessibility and stuff, I came across this magnificent font at (and it’s free to use!). I will not go into lots of detail of how it works, in short, the font is weighted at the bottom and it helps people with dyslexia quickly see the orientation of the letters.

I have a mod card in the works. Layout is done, artwork is proving to be quite difficult… will talk about it in the next post if I remember and if I’ll pay for hosting!

I really need to brush on my drawing skillzz…